Frequently asked questions.
We care about your experience.
Our clients are informed clients. You asked, we answered. Read on for our most frequently asked questions.
There was a time when electrolysis was a little-known hair removal treatment. For models and actresses, it was an insider’s beauty secret. But those days are long gone. Today, people of all ages and in all walks of life are enjoying permanently smooth, hair-free skin, a benefit that only electrolysis can offer. And the results are more than skin-deep. This refreshing new look works wonders for their confidence and self esteem.
Electrolysis is not just for women. Men make up a fast-growing segment of the clientele. More and more men are opting for electrolysis on the back, face and other body areas to achieve a well-groomed, tailored appearance. Many athletes are also using electrolysis to streamline their bodies for maximum performance. Teens are taking advantage of electrolysis too, for hair removal needs as they enter young adulthood.
Removal of unwanted hair is nothing new. Throughout history, people have gone to drastic lengths to get rid of excess body hair. As early as 4000 BC, women in ancient Egypt made hair removal creams from beeswax, arsenic, and quicklime. Over the years, people devised various other potions for removing hair. But the results were always the same, the hair grew back.
It wasn’t until 1875 that electrolysis was invented. Dr. Charles Michel, a St. Louis ophthalmologist, devised this system to remove his patients painful ingrown eyelashes. Dr. Michel’s method is still used today, though with significant technological improvements. It effectively destroys the hair growth cells, preventing further growth. Electrolysis proved to be a breakthrough discovery. It now boasts the best and longest track record for permanent hair removal. In fact, medical experts agree that electrolysis is the ONLY safe, effectivce method for removing hair permanently.
The marketplace is flooded with temporary hair removal methods, such as shaving, depilatories, waxing and threading. But they have the same disadvantage as ancient methods, in that the hair grows back. Many of these methods can actually increase hair growth.
For permanent hair removal, electrolysis is the only solution. It works almost anywhere on the body, face, legs, underarms, breasts, abdomen, back and bikini line. And it’s effective on light or dark hair, as well as all skin tones.
What can you expect if you decide to take advantage of this life-enhancing beauty treatment? First, your professional Electrologist will assess your health history and any factors that may be related to excessive hair growth. You will then be given a customized plan that addresses your specific concerns and hair removal needs. With today’s ever-evolving technology and treatment protocols, Electrolysis is more effective and comfortable than ever before.
Why not let electrolysis work its wonders for you? Women, men, teens we are Gender Friendly. You’ll love your new look and your beautiful new self-image.
From Press Release-American Electrology Association.
It’s normal for anyone beginning Electrolysis hair removal to be a little nervous, have concerns, and many, many questions. In order to accurately answer these questions, we need to evaluate YOU the individual, your situation and requirements (i.e. the amount and location of hair you want removed, type of hair, previous methods, i.e. tweezing, waxing, threading, and even if you’ve had previous electrolysis treatments). We are here to answer all of your questions. Every question is important. Every client’s needs are different, so the goal of our consultation is to develop a personalized treatment plan for you that will result in total and permanent removal of ALL your unwanted hair. We work on all parts of the body and are Gender Friendly.
It is normal following electrolysis for the treated area to be red and slightly swollen. Both of these conditions usually disappear in an hour or two, but can last longer. The following post-treatment care suggestions should be followed for at least the first 24 to 72 hours after treatment. In general, avoid any kind of activity that would subject the treated skin to irritating conditions while it is in the healing stage.
How much time is involved to achieve permanent results?
One of the most important elements in achieving successful destruction of the hair follicle is the continuity of treatments. Permanent results are best achieved by the faithful participation of each patient/client in a planned program that has been tailored to his or her individual needs. The time in which one achieves permanent results is dependent upon such factors as one’s medical history, age, previous temporary hair removal methods used, and the texture of the hair to be treated (fine vs. coarse). An electrologist is trained to determine the frequency and treatment time necessary for each particular person. (See our Regrowth page)
Is electrolysis sanitary and sterile?
Since electrology is an Allied Health Science, the American Electrology Association in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control, has developed recommended national standards for sterilization procedures in electrology offices.
You will find these offices using sterile needles and sterile forceps. Strict sanitation procedures are adhered to providing a clean professional environment. A discussion with your electrologist regarding his or her sterilization procedures would be welcomed. (See our Welcome page for more information on our sterilization methods.)
Why not just use temporary hair removal methods?
Caution should be exercised when choosing to use a temporary method of hair removal. Most temporary methods can irritate the skin and may result in increased hair growth.
These methods must be used continuously in order to maintain the look and feel desired. Some of these methods and products can be harmful to the skin. Constant shaving, waxing, tweezing, bleaching, depilatories and the use of home mechanical devices over a period of time can cause skin irritation, ingrown hairs, and sometimes scarring. They also can compound the problem rather than alleviate it.
Keeping in mind your ultimate goal, good judgement is a must when choosing how to deal with unwanted hair. (See our Laser Facts page)
What is an electrolysis treatment like?
Permanent hair removal is accomplished by directing a measured amount of electrical current into the natural opening of the hair follicle by means of an ultra fine instrument until the base of the hair root (technically known as the papilla) is effectively treated. This procedure causes gradual cellular destruction impairing the ability of the follicle to produce a hair.
Minimum Discomfort:
Since certain areas of the body are more sensitive to treatment than others, the sensations associated with electrolysis will vary.Regrowth:
Some regrowth in the treated area will normally be experienced over a period of time. However, with subsequent treatments, the hair will become finer in texture until the entire regeneration cycle has been permanently destroyed and hair growth ceases. (See our Regrowth page)After Treatment:
An electrolysis treatment may result in a slight reddening of the skin. This is temporary and varies with individual skin types. Your electrologist will recommend post treatment care. (See our After Care page)
Is electrology for everyone?
Many men and women seek electrolysis not only as a solution to the problem of unacceptable hair growth but also as a convenience that frees them from the daily effort of maintaining a hair free look on most of the face and body. For many, electrolysis becomes a necessity, especially for those who are discouraged with the unsuccessful results of temporary hair removal methods.
What are the causes of hair growth?
Superfluous hair growth is often the result of normal biological changes which females undergo throughout life. As a woman advances through puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, she experiences fluctuations in hormone levels which may cause increased hair growth in an area that has never before been affected.
Excessive hair may also be due to such diverse causes as heredity, certain medications and stress. It is often associated with a dysfunction of the endocrine system such as irregular menstrual cycles, ovarian disorders or thyroid irregularities.
Your electrologist is trained to recognize those symptoms which may require referral to a physician. (See our Excess Hair? page)